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For More details about each key, please contact Jays odd jobs Now!

Terms & Conditions

If you have multiple properties/locations it would be 195.00 monthly each property. 

195.00 is due monthly in advanced(Billed on the 1st of every month). 

Seasonal tasks include , gutter cleaning or filter replacement of HVAC system. Pick either or (Labor is covered in membership for seasonal tasks, material is additional to membership)

Memberships are under a 6 month contract. Contract can not be broken for 6 months. After 6 Months you may cancel with a written notice. 

Benefits of Membership


These key points are what makes the Handyman membership so worth it! 

Key 1- 10% off any Job you get done with us. 

Key 2- 4 Annual visits with seasonal tasks.

Key 3 - PDF report with each visit. 

Key 4- 24 Point Inspection check list. 

Key 5- Priority scheduling

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Clean air for your house , safer home, or cleaner gutters to keep the exterior of your house in tip top shape.

Money savings for each project.

 Inspections on your house helps avoid Large costly repairs.

PDF copy inspection helps you  understand your home better than most home owners.

For commercial buildings would be different monthly price. If you’re interested in the commercial side please Text us to set up a meet. 


Why wait... Sign up today to gain all the benefits of Jays Odd Jobs! 

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